The weekend had arrived and I had arranged to meet up with JR in Braemar to do some monumental mountains. The locals are just surfacing after one of the toughest winters on record. I am wishing we had invited The Duracell as he has a snow plough attachment for the Dawes.
Turns out,we were not the only team out testing our legs on the biggest climbs in the Cairngorm Mountain Park. As we entered Braemar around 09:15 Team Garmin sped through the village en route to ascend the Lecht and the infamous Corgarff to Tomintoul road. I wonder if tehy have checked it is open yet?
The forecast was a dry sunny, if chilly, day, however you can never tell in these parts. It has a climate of its own. JR was sporting the fingerless mits however I was less brave and had full winter gear on.
The first part was supposed to be 'downhill' following the route of teh Dee passed Lizzie's ( Queen to you ) house at BAlmoral then onto Ballater before hanging a left at the metrolpolis of Dinnet. Not a lot happens at Dinnet and today was no different. There seemed to be lots of older people with day nap sacks on their backs and trousers tucked into their boots heading off into the woods. JR tells me that is what people do around here. Mmmmmmmmm?
Time to get back on the bikes methinks. The stretch to Dinnet had been at around 32kph however the wind out of the east masked the downhill well!
And so the climb begins. Zips undone and we ascend over to Strathdon leaving the silvery Dee behind us as it continues its tumble down to Aberdeen.
Many of the fir trees on the edge of the road have been well browned with the frosts during the winter, JR tells me the temperature was down to minus 20 for several weeks during the winter. Enough to freeze your cones off, I guess.
As we drop down into Strathdon, the scenery is masked by a cloud of drizzle that grows to a shower. JR has done some reconnaissance for lunch and the Colhousie Hotel appears. There is a choice, take it or leave it. The sign says cyclists welcome and the landlord is very friendly and so we stopped. Just as well as we did not pass another hotel until returning to Braemar.
He asked were we part of the group of 12 booked for 12:30. Answer : no. Amazing he says . you go all year seeing no cyclists and in one day two parties appear!
A good helping of lentil soup washed down by full fat coke followed by some macaroni and we were ready for the road. But not before the second group arrived. As they inspected JR's new Cube, I recognised one of the riders from about 20 years ago. And then another comes through the door. Turns out teh cycling club from Elgin had come over the Lecht for a day outing. The Corgaff road must indeed be open. They had spotted the Garmin crew going over the Lecht at around 11:00. They must have been motoring.
And so with the rain stopped, we mounted our bikes and hit the road again. Next on the tourist trail was going through Lonach. The Lonach games ( a big event in these parts) has as its Cheiftain The Big Yin whose house we passed. We were going to pop in for Bigman meets Big Yin photo shoot however time was short and so we passed on our way. I confess to being surprised to see large yellow wellies mounted on the large wrought iron gates! I guess he wants to protect his privacy.
The turn off for Braemar arrives. This is the start of two monumental climbs back over to Strath Dee. And they start immediately. JR, resplendent in his light frame sets off like a whippet. I restrain from chasing after and set the heart rate to ascent mode and settle in to a steady pace. I have never ridden over these hills and so have no idea when the top will arrive and do not want to be caught out by a false crest only to find another one.
The scenery is stunning with views across the the Eastern CAirngorms and to Lochnagar to the south. Loads of tourists ( relatively speaking) are stopped to takephotos of the views .......... or maybe they have heard the posse is on tour!
The first climb is done and a steep descent into the valley preceeds the next sign. There is a hump back bridge with an excessive hump. We had earlier spotted an unusual road sign indicating a lorry rocking on the bridge with wheels on either side. A new one on me<
The first climb was much steeper and longer than the second asn we quickly shot over the crest and started the descent. JR was flying down the twisting road like a man in the zone. My brakes a re a tadge dodgy and the road spews you out on to the main road at a T junction and so I was a little more reserved.
On the main road and it is up hill to Braemar. JR says his legs are toasted however this does not prevent him pursuing a 30 kph pace along the riverside for 9 miles back to Braemar.
As we entered Braemar the rain started to come back on however we had enjoyed an almost rain free day in the most stunning scenery and climbed some monsters.
100km further circumvention around the globe
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