How far have we travelled so far?

Friday, May 28, 2010

the stuff of the devil and ducks

I'd better get out on the bike sharpish as so far have amassed 666kms... lets hope its not a sign of things to come...

This week saw just a couple of hill sessions so far with fellow Skyriders. Quote of the week has to be from one of crew (who hasn't been getting the miles in, shall we say) who procraimed a quarter of the way up our first rep - "wait, I thought training was supposed to be fun?" He managed 4, us girls did 6. I think he's scared now.

Training, my friend, is not fun. Its hard and it hurts us all, but it makes us stronger.

Wish me luck tomorrow - am going for my first bigun of 100 miles... well 111 actually -

I'm sure I'll live to tell the tale. Not like one of my fellow skyriders who ended up with a broken collarbone this week after a duck flew into her front wheel. No, really....

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