How far have we travelled so far?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Auld Toun 10k

It was a balmy night in Dunfermline - the old capital of Scotland.

Skyrider had called to say let me know that the Auld Toun 10k was on tonight. It's the hilliest course that I've ever taken on with some tough inclines. I met up with Skyrider and Santiago pre-race. Skyrider being more diligent set off to warm up - Santiago and I use the first kilometre to do that. Out of the decending sun appeared Duracell. He was supporting a relative who was also running who we'll call Nevis.

Nevis turned out to be a hill runner rather than a road runner and was competing in his first 10k for a couple of years. I respect all hill runners - their leg strength is awesome.

Anyway back to the race. It started in the park in the centre of town. It was slightly chaotic as the assembled field passed the starting gate and did a short circuit of the park before climbing a short and steep decent. I wasn't expecting that hill and as we ran along all around was the sound of heavy breathing. The course didn't let up with much of it either climbing or decending.

My mission was to try and break 50 minutes. Once things settled down I feel into an easy pace (until the hills) and started to enjoy running in my home town. The crowd was good, many runners appeared to be called John or rumours of my fame have spread accross town because all around was the shout 'come on John'! The support was immence.

Once we turned towards the last climb I saw Duracell - he shouted encouragingly - 'pain is temporary' - didn't feel temporary on the final climb.

The final turn was spotted with joy in my heart - I finished in 45.18 less than a minute outside my PB. So chuffed with that.

Maybe there is life in the old boy yet!


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