How far have we travelled so far?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A speed session in Fort William

I arrived in Fort William, jumped out of the car and was surprised by the wall of heatthat hit me. Fort William, heat and sun not words even the local Tourist Board would shout regularly.

I finished work at 5.45pm and was on my bike just after 6pm. The road to Glenfinnan is pretty flat so I was able to stretch it out and get the wheels rolling. A couple of short delays halted my progress as I made my way through the rush hour traffic.

The road was not only flat but pretty good in terms of surface and I was moving along quickly. The wind seemed to be in my face but it felt like that all night so I think it was just swirling around. The bike is fab for relaxing body and mind. As I sped along the days hassles seemed to melt into the passing tarmac.

I only had a spare hour so turned after 16km to make sure I would get back in time. A quick check of the watch at the turn made me realise I was slightly ahead of my target to bike 32km in the available hour. With the boost of knowledge, and not being competitive, I put the foot down and pushed hard.

By the time I was on the outskirts of Corpach I was beginning to feel the pace in my legs. I was held up again at the junction back on to the A82 and wondered if I would meet my planned objective. Fortunately the hotel loomed close and mission accomplished. 32km in 57 minutes - I was happy with the effort and the training completed.

I'm doing a 10km race tomorrow night with Skyrider which will be fun. I doubt I'll go sub 45 minutes again as I feel slow on my feet but I'll give it a go and see what happens.

I also started Yoga tonight - pleased to say I survived. My neighbour across the road is starting a class in Carnock and I went along to be a crash test dummy as she weent through her routine. It was brilliant. So anyone fancy coming along next Monday at 7pm please let me know and I'll book you a place at Carnock Community Centre.

Hopefully the bendy bits will still be bendy tomorrow!!


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